Lubricant Excipients


Particles (or powder) in tablets can occasionally experience sticky punch phenomena that prevent the particles from flowing smoothly into the mold wells. As a result, particles in tablets before are frequently required to add a small amount of lubricating effect of the material, in order to increase mobility and decrease friction with the die, and to ensure a clean and attractive tablet surface. These substances are typically referred to as lubricants. Lubricants are mostly utilized in solid preparations, particularly pills and capsules.


When a continuous liquid layer of a liquid lubricant, such as some mineral oil, is wrapped around the surface of rough particles, it can lessen friction between the particles and the mold wall while also increasing the particles' ability to slide. To avoid leaving oil stains on the surface of the tablets, this sort of lubricant must be applied through atomization or the creation of a uniform dispersion rather than directly to the particles.

Solid lubricants, especially some long-chain fatty acids and their salts lubricants, can be oriented to cover the surface of the particles in the formation of a thin layer of powder, fill the particles of the surface of the tiny depressions, reduce the friction between the particles, and at the same time, the polar end of the adsorption on the surface of the metal mold to play a lubricating, flow-assisting and anti-adhesion effect.

Some drugs may exhibit electrostatic adsorption during the pressing process. The lubricant film has an insulating effect that can stop the buildup of electrostatic charge, prevent the viscous impulse or the phenomenon of reduced mobility, and has the effect of promoting flow and inhibiting adhesion.

Subtypes of Lubricant Excipients

Hydrophobic Lubricants

Hydrophobic lubricant excipients, such as magnesium stearate and stearic acid, are widely used in pharmaceutical formulations. They impart lubrication by forming a thin layer on the surface of particles, reducing interparticle friction. Hydrophobic lubricants are particularly effective in improving tablet hardness, reducing sticking, and enhancing the flow properties of powders.

Hydrophilic Lubricants

Hydrophilic lubricant excipients, such as sodium stearyl fumarate and polyethylene glycols (PEGs), are employed when hydrophobic lubricants may interfere with drug dissolution or affect formulation performance. These lubricants enhance flowability and prevent agglomeration by reducing interparticle interactions. Hydrophilic lubricants are commonly used in formulations containing water-soluble drugs or in situations where hydrophobicity needs to be minimized.


Tablet Manufacturing

Lubricant excipients are crucial in tablet manufacturing processes. They aid in the efficient compression of granules, prevent sticking to punches and dies, and ensure uniform tablet weight and hardness. By reducing friction, lubricant excipients facilitate the ejection of tablets from the compression tooling, resulting in smooth and defect-free tablets.

Capsule Filling

During capsule filling, lubricant excipients enhance the flowability of powders, allowing for accurate and consistent dosing. They prevent powder adhesion to the capsule surfaces and aid in the smooth filling of capsules. Lubricant excipients play a vital role in achieving uniformity of content and preventing powder segregation within the capsules.

Powder Blending

Lubricant excipients assist in the homogenous blending of powders by reducing interparticle friction and improving flow properties. They facilitate the uniform distribution of active pharmaceutical ingredients (APIs) and other excipients, ensuring consistent drug content in each dosage unit.


Lubricant excipients are indispensable components in the formulation of solid dosage forms, enabling efficient manufacturing processes and ensuring product quality. Partnering with Protheragen-ING, a reputable supplier, ensures the availability of high-quality excipients and supports the development of stable and efficacious pharmaceutical products. If you have any excipient requirements, please contact us by phone or email, and we will respond within 2-4 working days.

Cat Product Name Cas Details Chemical Structure
PIE-0347 Sodium Docusate Granules View Details
PIE-0354 Talc View Details


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